Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How To Fix RunDLL Error In Windows PC

RunDLL32 is basically a type of error, which occurs due to some corrupt DLL file or an uncompleted installation. RunDLL depends upon the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files. Well, the DLL files is a wide range of codes and information which is used when you run a program on your PC and these codes also helps programs to run different tasks simultaneously.

The RunDLL32 error can also occurs when the program is not installed completely or the DLL file has been corrupted or infected by some kind of viruses and malwares. So, this is why you see a message saying that RunDLL error has occurred. RunDLL32 error arises when your Windows is unable to open a piece of code or file that is needed to run the program. There are many types of RunDLL errors and all of them can be fixed easily. So, today in this tutorial I will teach you that how you can fix the RunDLL error in your Windows PC. This error also arises when a spyware is installed on your computer. So, without wasting much of your time, let’s get started.

Learn-How To Fix RunDLL Error

To fix RunDLL error in your Windows PC then follow the below given steps.
  • First of all, click on Start button and then type msconfig and hit Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Then, the System Configuration window will appear.
  • Now, in System Configuration, select the Selective Startup option. Now, check on any one option given below the Selective Startup option and remove the check from other options.
  • Then, click on Apply and OK button.
  • Now, Restart your computer.
  • After that, if the error displays about the selected option then it is good and if it doesn’t then try changing the other options in the Selective Startup option till you get the RunDLL error displays for the selected option.
  • Now, when you have got the RunDLL error than try installing an Anti-Spyware or Anti-Malware program to fix the corrupted DLL files. These programs will automatically find any spyware or malware which is corrupting the code or doesn’t allows you to access the program and then removes them completely.
  • If this also doesn’t work then try uninstalling and again re-installing the program.
  • That’s it! You are done!

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